Brand: Xtennis Play The Best
Natural Microfilament corda tennis Multifilamenti tennis string
Natural Microfilament
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Sim4Tennis Sparring Partner Red
Sim4Tennis Sparring Partner Red Tennis Ball Machine Smartphone / Tablet control
The Most Advanced Tennis Ball Machine In The World
Features INCLUDED INTO 2.1:
- Controlled by a wireless Bluetooth system through an App for smartphones / tablets (the first registration needs an Internet connection than will not need for Internet connection).
- Spin: allows you to set n.10 top spin levels, n.10 back spin levels and flat shot
- Ball speed range: 20km/h - 140Km/h.
- Any type of regular size tennis balls: mid, pressurized and pressure-less
- Manual Functions: allows you to pick a precise spot on the court and select any kind of speed, spin
and ball feeding in fractions of a second or a sequece of n.2 spots
- Drill: n.1 Drill of n.16 spots (will not be memorized)
- n.20 Horizontal and n.40 Vertical positions make this machine the most precise machine in the
market from an unhuman power to a very slow ball, close to the net or a winning lob
- W/A/N Functions: It's a short cut button that allow you to set immediately the classic drill
forehand-backhand in pre-set positions Wide - Among - Narrow
- Random: allows you to send balls randomly in a selected vertical or horizontal radius or both together
and select any kind of speed, spin and ball feeding in fractions of a second
- Ball basket capacity 240 balls
- Fast Battery Charger
- Portable: 33kg and small dimensions
- Includes n.1 removable battery 2h to 4h (as an optional direct power supply DC for best performance. We recommend to buy the Power supply for speeds over 115Kmh.
- 2 years Warranty
- Solid and reliable aircraft aluminum and fiberglass construction
- Made in Europe
- Superb quality and reliability at an affordable price
OPTIONAL and Warranty Time Extension.
All Optional can be added and memorized anytime into your app device. Optional can also be added and boght directly from the Apps.
- 10 Drills: Add and Save additional n.10 Drills of 16 spots each
- 30 Drills: Add and Save additional n.30 Drills of 16 spots each
- 50 Drills: Add and Save additional n.50 Drills of 16 spots each
- 80 Drills: Add and Save additional n.80 Drills of 16 spots each
- Remote control start/stop button €60,00 (included into version 2.2 and 2.3)
- Save Drills Data: Enable the editing of Drills as: Player Name, Description, Date and Total Ball Counter
- Drills in Order or Custom sequence: Add the ability to play multiple Drills sequentially in order or randomly
- One Touch Drill Setting: It's a short cut drills button settings: Enable to edit single drill settings at once
- Free Spin & Speed: Enable to set different settings as back/top/speed
between shots (-+2/3 spins and -+20/30kmh)
- 2 Years Extra Warranty*
- 4 Years Extra Warranty*
- 6 Years Extra Warranty*
*IMPORTANT: Together with your order send us the email related to the Optional. WArranty can be applied only at the same date when buying a Diamante Machine.
- USB Rechargeable Plug: allow you to recharge your smartphone and tablet
- Elevator for serve: allow the machine to SERVE with an elevating system up to 2,85mt €1200,00
- Extra Long Life external battery: double life of standard battery €160,00
- Direct Power Supply DC connection transformer €250,00
Memories can be added as optionals anytime from the app or just directly by contacting us
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Brand: Xtennis Play The Best
Natural Microfilament
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Brand: Xtennis Play The Best
Touch Multifilament
Sim4Tennis Sparring Partner Red